Objectives of Herbal Medicine Research Centre (HMRC)

. Last Updated: 28 June 2022Hits: 33442

  1. To conduct preclinical research and assist in the conduct of clinical research to prove the effectiveness and safety of herbal medicine based on scientific evidence and according to the required standards.
  2. To contribute to the discovery and authentication of herbal products in Malaysia with scientific information, with aims of enhancing their commercial value and improving penetration of international markets.
  3. To collect evidence-based information on herbal medicine and Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM) through research for the preparation of compendium, monograph, and the electronic information web portal for integrated medicine known as the 'Global Information Hub on Integrated Medicine' GlobinMed.
  4. To assist in T&CM research in Malaysia towards the goal of integrated medicine.
  5. To cooperate in providing professional service to stakeholders especially the Ministry of Health (MOH) and other agencies related to herbal medicine and T&CM.
  6. To provide consultation services to related public sectors and industries.
  7. To provide herbal research-related trainings to relevant agencies, public sectors and industries.


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