Objectives of AIRC

. Last Updated: 03 July 2012Hits: 17838

The objectives of the AIRC are:

  • To carry out collaborative fundamental and applied research in Immunology
  • To provide advanced diagnostic services to patients in the public and private sector.
  • To play a role in teaching students through courses, formal lectures and through attachments.


A brief overview of our current research areas

The Allergy Unit continues to focus on using a proteomic approach for identifying the major allergens in food. The Autoimmune Disease Unit is exploring the role of autoantibodies in fetal loss, celiac disease and paraneoplastic syndrome. Studies are also ongoing to determine the gene-environment interaction in rheumatoid arthritis. The Unit coordinates the National Quality Assurance Programme for Antinuclear Antibody Testing (ANA). The Primary Immunodeficiency Unit is continuing its research into the genetic abnormalities associated with Chronic Granulomatous disease, the genetics of neutrophil functional disorders and B cell defects in Primary Immunodeficiency Disease. The Immunogenetics Unit was engaged in research on HLA association with aplastic anemia and in determining the frequency of HLA alleles in the local population. A collaborative study on the role of immune parameters in the pathogenesis of dengue and severe dengue was also started in the Center.